Coverletters are important for those who are seeking jobs, be it for a low-level job or a high-level job, it is useful for everyone. The writing of a cover letter is 100% essential. The importance of cover letters to employers is high as it provides the resource links if you decide to write your own. ΓΌ So, What is a cover letter? Why is it necessary? A cover letter is usually a one-page document that you have to submit as part of your job application alongside your CV orResume . Its main aim is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. Usually, your cover letter should be ranging from 250- 400 words long . A good cover letter can bring on the HR manager’s attention and get them to read your resume properly. Whereas, A bad cover letter, means that your application is going directly to waste. So, to make sure this doesn’t happen and your letter gets accepted, it is essential to know how to write a convinc...